Just a Little Early Christmas Cheer
I’ve started to create a loose posting schedule, which will hopefully help me pull attention from other things for this blog. While I won’t commit to a rigid schedule at this time, it’s my hope that this will lead me to posting one, maybe two a week.
For today, I thought I’d share a quick Christmas video with you. I’ve spoken in other places, including the bio that goes into every one of my books, of my love of music, and of Christmas music in particular. I hope to have some recordings of the groups I’m involved with closer to Christmas, but I thought I’d share a video on Youtube of one of the songs we’re working on. I’ve recently joined a barbershop quartet group. While I’ve sung barbershop before, I’ve only done it in one offs, usually a song here or there. This group is a new and eye-opening experience for me.
The Straw Carol is a song with which I was not familiar previously, but I’ve grown to love it. I managed to find an a cappella version, though it’s sung in four part choir harmony. Change the higher parts to men and you will have a notion of what it would be like for a barbershop group to sing it. If we can manage to record it sometime, I’ll post a recording here toward Christmas.
I’ve also got some thoughts percolating in my head about the recent release of Amazon’s The Wheel of Time TV series. A review of that is coming in the next couple of weeks.